We recognise that having straightforward, easy to understand and readily available information is important to help people recognise what safeguarding adults means. We've provided a number of videos covering various topics:
If you require a descriptive transcript relating to these resources, click 'Watch on YouTube' then click the menu (3 dots) above the description and select 'show transcript' closed captions/subtitles are also available via YouTube. Find out more about requesting information in an accessible format.
Cuckooing is a term used when criminals target the home of an adult at risk of harm, often so they can use or take over the property for criminal purposes such as drug-dealing, hiding weapons and other criminal activities. This animation has been developed by West Yorkshire Police and members of the Cuckooing Research & Prevention Network.
A short animation originally produced and developed by Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board, aimed at helping practitioners and families to start a conversation with an older adult about domestic abuse. It is based on the power and control wheel as adapted by Dewis Choice.
A short animation originally developed by Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board. The aim is to help people with learning disabilities, and also children and young adults, understand what good friendships are, when they might be harmful, and what they can do.
This can be used by carers, family, professionals and organisations, to raise awareness and help keep them safer while enjoying relationships.
A short animation originally produced and developed by North East ADASS, to raise the public awareness of self-neglect and what can be done to help those experiencing it.